Nyt Hjem

Over a month since my last post, sorry! I’ve just found my self being so distracted by everything around me it’s hard to remember sometimes. But a lot has happened since I last posted. For one, I have moved in with my new host family, and they are a dream. The family that is living with me consists of my hmum (host mum, I saw some kids on the Worldwide Exchange Facebook page write it that way I assume it must be the cool thing now), hdad, an older hbrother and two younger hbrothers. As I’d never had brothers before I didn’t really know what to expect, but now I realise that they literally always have energy. It’s giving me a real workout. We live in a village named Lillebrænde in the Danish countryside, surrounded by farms and a 40-minute walk to the closest bus stop. Being away from the ‘city’ (kinda city, they call it a city) has been amazing, and having things such as a backyard and a trampoline have made my days even better than they were before if that’s possible.

More things that are happening are the summer holidays and Euro Tour! I can not wait for both of these things. It has been warming up here, and I find myself during every spare moment out in the sun (sorry mum). I have been super ultra lucky with the weather here, as I have gotten the perfect amount of snow and sun, compared to last years constant rain. I will be leaving for Euro Tour on the 20th of May at 9 am and heading straight for Germany, soon after coming Czech, Austria, Italy, France and the Netherlands. I have been looking forward to this all year and can not wait to experience new things with some of my best friends.

Another thing that has happened is that I somehow managed to make it through over one quarter of my exchange (and we’re 10 days away from having completed one third). This is the craziest thing to me, I have no idea where all that time went, it feels like I’ve just been on a holiday for a month. I have been loving every single moment of my exchange, and all the people I have met throughout the last 4 months of my life.



 this photo isn’t even edited it’s just THAT GREEN